I am excited that I am re-branding from Small Business Trainer to Learn Grow Transform with my tagline Essential Training for Small Business, because I feel it is exactly what I offer and what I do.

You know sometimes you need to step back in your business and think about:

(1) what you want to achieve;

(2) if you really feel comfortable with your name and brand; and

(3) is your current business the same as the one you started.

When you have asked yourself these questions, perhaps your answer will be that everything is just as it should be. However, if it isn’t then you need to ask yourself further questions.

This is what I did, and after conversations with several friends and associates, the name Learn Grow Transform came about and it suits me and what I do so much more than my previous name and branding, Small Business Trainer.

I am still offering the same bespoke training but I feel I offer a lot more. When someone finishes one of my training sessions I always hear “that was great, I now know I can move my business forward”. That is what I love to hear and that is why I do what I do. I love it when I know that someone’s business is ready to grow to the next level because of the training I have provided.

I hope you feel that my transformation from one brand, which I feel I have outgrown, to an upgraded better suited brand for me, will help you when you next think of whether your brand is still working for you. Are you ready to learn something new today?

So, please stay tuned whilst my new logo and website are created – won’t be long now.

Warm wishes

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