Every business owner (large or small) needs the following to create a successful business. Remember a successful business is based on the goals you have set for yourself in your business and marketing plans. So it will be different for all of us. Be honest with yourself when setting up your goals and subsequently creating your plans, as you will need to look at what you want and need, and not that of your competitors and other business owners.
So what does every business owner need?
Yes, more TIME…. Everyone I know who owns a business says that the one thing they wish they could have more of is – TIME! Whether it is more time to spend on their business or more time to network, meet clients or employ other staff. Again, this will be different because of the nature of the business you are in and where you want to be.
But the one thing which doesn’t change is that TIME can be made! Yes, it can… BUT HOW?
You will need to change habits of a lifetime, employ new ideas and systems but believe me, it can be done!
One tip from my book …..
Use a Timer
Yes, use an egg timer or a timer on your phone and use your time wisely. If you have scheduled say 15 minutes on social media – time yourself and when the time is up. Start your next task.
Yes we would all love to be more productive in our businesses and this flows on from creating the TIME above. Greater productivity comes from spending time on your business to understand it and how it works so that you can create a more regimented way of running your business. Creating Operations / Procedures Manuals will allow you to outsource certain items in your business which again will FREE up your TIME! See how it all links? It is fantastic and I believe that every business owner can achieve this – Greater PRODUCTIVITY.
One tip from my book …..
System for you
Remember not every way in business works for everyone. You are an individual who may prefer a system to be hands on, or may prefer to use colour in everything you do to symbolise differences between client and supplier or creditor / debtor invoicing. You need to find what works for you.
Even if you have TIME and PRODUCTIVITY under control, are you being held ACCOUNTABLE to completing everything all of the time? Generally the answer is definitely NO… Being held accountable is something each and every one of us needs, even if it just for a month to get a one off project out of the way, or ongoing to ensure that everything in our business is running smoothly.
When was the last time you were held accountable? Personally or in business? Possibly it felt awkward initially that someone knew what you wanted to achieve and was pushing you to get there but then ultimately how did you feel when you could tick that item or items off your list? Fantastic, I bet…
So ACCOUNTABILITY is the last big need, needed by business owners.
One tip from my book ….
Create your Marketing Plan
Every business needs a marketing plan to keep on track with their marketing and to keep themselves accountable. Include a time schedule for keeping on track with your blogging, your social media posting, your website updates and more.
After working with business owners (large and small) for over 20 years now, I have put my knowledge, expertise, information and ideas into practice to create 3 different levels of Business Mentoring packages. Whether you need help to get you through a one off project or you need ongoing help in your business to achieve your goals, I can help you.
As a business mentor, I not only can help you with your TIME, PRODUCTIVITY and ACCOUNTABILITY, but when I see an area I think you need assistance on such as creating your blog, setting up a newsletter, creating templates, choosing your social media – then I can step in and help too. I am here to help online via Skype or personally one on one – or I can create group sessions if that helps your business.
I am looking forward to 2018 and hope I can help you do the same. Contact me if you want to achieve greater business growth.
Remember : TIME | PRODUCTIVITY | ACCOUNTABILITY… Do you need these?
©Hazel Theocharous, Learn Grow Transform
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